I have a rewarded video ad in my game, which reloads the last played level. It works perfectly - however when testing on my phone, I have to click the "try again" button 3+ times before the rewarded video even loads. Below is my code which is working but delayed. Any idea what could be going on? I am using the following. As you can see, I am not currently using the "HandleShowResult" because it wasn't working when I used that. It isn't required though I don't think because the video must load before the previous level loads. If it does not then nothing happens.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Monetization;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
[RequireComponent (typeof (Button))]
public class Adss : MonoBehaviour
public static Adss Instance;
[SerializeField] Button myButton;
private string store_id = "######";
private string video_ad = "video";
private string rewarded_video_ad = "rewardedVideo";
private void Awake()
Monetization.Initialize(store_id, true); //when publish set to false
int sceneToContinue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SavedScene");//testing for new level save
if (Instance != null)
Instance = this;
void Start()
myButton = GetComponent