I am currently trying to implement UnityAds to work alongside another Framework I am using for my game. The Framework is open-source and has a license that allows for modifications. These are some snippets from the code, where I have attempted to integrate UnityAds. I followed the tutorial for iOS intergration and the debug console appears to be outputting information indicating that an ad should appear; however, nothing appears. Here are the previously mentioned snippets, they are titled accordingly:
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions initialization:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//SFML Code....
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] setTestMode:YES];
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] setDebugMode:YES];
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] startWithGameId:@"********"];
//This code is meant to set the unity delegate, however, I'm not sure it is working correctly. I get no errors.
NSObject *delegate = [SFAppDelegate getInstance];
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] setDelegate:delegate];
// More SFML Stuff...
return true;
ViewDidAppear code, I could not set the viewController during initialization, so it is done here:
- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] setViewController:self];
As previously stated, the log outputs information describing a successful attempt to display an add; however nothing appears on screen. I get no errors, simply nothing appears. I can dump the output if requested.
The follow code is a method I wrote inside SFML's window implementation, it simply displays the ad. This should be irrelevant, but here it is in the case someone asks where I show an add:
bool WindowImplUIKit::displayAd()
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] setZone:@"rewardedVideoZone"];
if ([[UnityAds sharedInstance] canShow]&& [[UnityAds sharedInstance] canShowAds])
[[UnityAds sharedInstance] show];
if (adHandler.didFinishAd == true)
adHandler.didFinishAd = false;
return true;
return false;
Finally, I have only implemented the one method required by UnityAds:
- (void)unityAdsVideoCompleted:(NSString *)rewardItemKey skipped:(BOOL)skipped
NSLog(@"unityAdsVideoCompleted:rewardItemKey:skipped: -- key: %@", rewardItemKey);
Where `setAdFinished(true);` changes `adHandler.didFinishAd`