I am new to Unity Ads.
I have implemented Unity Ads and the interstitial ads work fine on both the editor and device.
However, the video ads do not work.
I always get Video Ad not ready.
Does this happen often or am I supposed to get a video ad everytime or just sometimes.
And if only sometimes, then what is the frequency?
Coz they didn't show up even after 25 times.
Kindly throw some light on.
[code=CSharp]public void ShowRewardedAd()
if (Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideoZone")) {
var options = new ShowOptions{resultCallback = HandleShowResult };
Advertisement.Show ("rewardedVideoZone", options);
else {
ad_videoBtn.transform.GetChild (1).GetComponent ().text = "No ads available :(";
Debug.Log ("Video ad not ready");