Hello! I have implemented rewarded video ads on my game but every time I watch them i get wrong rewards.
I have an ad that duplicate the coins that you get in a gift.
I also have a different ad that gives your +20 coins.
When i watch an ad for the first time everything is okay, but the second time I watch it the rewards are duplicated.
For example, if first i watch an ad and duplicate the coins from the gift, then watch an ad to get +20 coins, instead of getting 20 coins i get 20 coins plus the coins from the gift.
This is the script for getting the double coins from the gift
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public class DoubleCoinsAD : MonoBehaviour
private RewardBasedVideoAd rewardBasedVideo;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Get singleton reward based video ad reference
this.rewardBasedVideo = RewardBasedVideoAd.Instance;
// Called when the ad starts to play.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdStarted += HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted;
// Called when the user should be rewarded for watching a video.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdRewarded += HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded;
// Called when the ad is closed.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdClosed += HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed;
private void RequestRewardBasedVideo()
string adUnitId = "";
string adUnitId = "";
string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
// Create an empty ad request.
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
// Load the rewarded video ad with the request.
this.rewardBasedVideo.LoadAd(request, adUnitId);
public void ShowRewardBasedAd()
if (rewardBasedVideo.IsLoaded())
MonoBehaviour.print("yo, its not showing");
//video started
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted event received");
Time.timeScale = 0;
//video is closed
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed event received");
Time.timeScale = 1;
//video is watched and then user rewarded
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded(object sender, Reward args)
string type = args.Type;
double amount = args.Amount;
Time.timeScale = 1;
"HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded event received for "
+ amount.ToString() + " " + type);
This is the script for getting +20 coins
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
public class GetCoinsAD : MonoBehaviour
private RewardBasedVideoAd rewardBasedVideo;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Get singleton reward based video ad reference
this.rewardBasedVideo = RewardBasedVideoAd.Instance;
// Called when the ad starts to play.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdStarted += HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted;
// Called when the user should be rewarded for watching a video.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdRewarded += HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded;
// Called when the ad is closed.
rewardBasedVideo.OnAdClosed += HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed;
private void RequestRewardBasedVideo()
string adUnitId = "";
string adUnitId = "";
string adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";
// Create an empty ad request.
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();
// Load the rewarded video ad with the request.
this.rewardBasedVideo.LoadAd(request, adUnitId);
public void ShowRewardBasedAd()
if (rewardBasedVideo.IsLoaded())
MonoBehaviour.print("yo, its not showing");
//video started
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardBasedVideoStarted event received");
Time.timeScale = 0;
//video is closed
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardBasedVideoClosed event received");
Time.timeScale = 1;
//video is watched and then user rewarded
public void HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded(object sender, Reward args)
string type = args.Type;
double amount = args.Amount;
Time.timeScale = 1;
"HandleRewardBasedVideoRewarded event received for "
+ amount.ToString() + " " + type);
And this are the functions (the rewards)
public void DoubleGift()
giftCoins = giftCoins * 2;
GameManager.Instance.coins += giftCoins;
giftCoinsText.text = "" + giftCoins;
public void GetCoins()
GameManager.Instance.coins += 20;
Thank you in advance!