Cant add AirPush ads on IOS.
I have added airpush in unity3d project and it's working perfectly on Android, but in IOS. i can't even see any IOS option in AirPush's Aplication dashboard as shown in blow picture. can anybody tell...
View ArticleStop audio/background music from pausing when showing ads
Is there any way to prevent background music from being paused ever? I'm working on an game which uses an android chartboost plugin (prime31) to display ads. Whenever I show a static add, my background...
View ArticleInterstitial Ads NOT working!
I have tried to adjust, format the code in every shape and form, this is the code that I most recently used and still does not work! private InterstitialAd interstitial; void Update () { if...
View ArticlePress back button to show ad?
I have been trying to implement a code that enables the user to press the back button to quit, but before he can, an ad shows up. Press back button > Ad shows > press back button again > quit....
View ArticleUnityAds can't find part of path??
So, I added unity ads to my game. But, when i test it in the editor, it gives me the error that it cannot find the file "test_unit_800.png".. But I checked the link, and the file was there. I checked...
View ArticleWhat does iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled actually reference?
I need to know if my app implements any advertising functionality (regardless of mobile ad service providers). Should iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled do the trick? Is this even implemented yet? I was...
View ArticleHow to disable animation.Play? (FPS)
Well, i'm making and FPS, and i'm having trouble with the Aim Down Sights thing, well, i'm my gun script, i have this lines, that play animation and sound when i shoot (press Fire1):...
View ArticleUnity Ads is it ready for use? And who use it?
So I heard a lot of buzz with unity ads, and probably because it is created with unity it will work perfect? But is it finished and ready for use? And if so who use it? I have noticed some files named...
View ArticleAdding Google play services, just for the advertising SDKs
Hello, I did quite a lot of searching, but could not find the answer myself. Since the new Google advertising ID policy, you need to add Google Play Services to your app. I am wondering as what is the...
View Articleunity ads Video playback error
Hello.i'm new to mobile developpment and unity ads. i have a problem with the unity ads. It plays 1 or 2 seconds of the video then it get me the option to download the game in the ad or hide the ad...
View ArticleHow to properly add admob ads to a (unity) android project
hey guys, so I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place to ask this question but oh well... i hope that maybe someone can help me out. So the thing I've been trying to add admob adds to my unity...
View ArticleAdmob causes low performance
Hi and happy new year, I use Google Admob plugin in my game, I think showing ads during gameplay is caused low framerate, I examined populer games most of them not showing ads during gameplay. Is this...
View ArticleAdmob Crash Problem?!
![][1] [1]: /storage/temp/38203-adss.png I want to put an add banner to my app so i downloaded the package and everything done and i made a script banner.cs you can see it down. to my main camera in...
View ArticleAndroid build error when using Unity Ads
I'm working on an Android game that has Unity ads implemented. Whenever I try to build I get the following error.> Error building Player: Win32Exception:> ApplicationName='javac.exe',>...
View ArticleNo AD plugins work for me at all - android
as the title suggests, none of the ad plugins work. I have tried almost everything, at least the famous ones.. 1 - chartboost 2 - Admob 3 - revmob. The steps I took: 1 - import the plugin 2 - change...
View ArticleAd mob show like flappy bird when you die? Android?
here's my script and it's working but in all scenes all the time the ad is enabled, a want to make it enabled only when i die that's in other script? how to do it how to call this script? anyhow? ![alt...
View ArticleIssue with ads on iPhone 6 and 6+
Hi, My Google Admob ads and Chartboost Ads doesn't work on iPhone 6 and 6+ Anybody have the same issue ? Thanks
View ArticleUnity ads, play an ad in the Start function?
I am using Unity ads and it seems I can only get the ads to run in the Update() function, this keeps playing over and over and doesn't allow enough time between ads for me to carry on with the game. I...
View ArticleChartboost 5.0 plugin ios intergration
I am trying to set up chartboost in my app(first unity app). I am using 5.0 plugin. I have set up the appid bit and i have called showInterstitial(CBLocation.Default);, it is not showing any ads. In...
View ArticleWhy is our framerate hurt by adding in ads?
We implemented some Lifestreet ads in our Facebook Unity3d game. After doing so we see a big drop in our framerate. They look like simple animated ads and they run some Flash code and are in separate...
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