Hi guys! I`ve just integrated Unity Ads in my first game and currently I am facing two problems: limiting the no. of ads per hour(1) and keeping the score after the user watched the ad(2).
void ShowRewardedVideo()
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime resetTime = DateTime.Parse(PlayerPrefs.GetString("ADResetTime", currentTime.ToString()));
TimeSpan travelTime = currentTime - resetTime;
if (travelTime.TotalMinutes > 60f)
adCounter = 0;
PlayerPrefs.SetString("ADResetTime", currentTime.ToString());
if (Advertisement.IsReady() && travelTime.TotalMinutes<2f)
if (adCounter <= 2)
public class LengthScore : MonoBehaviour
public Transform playerTransform;
public Text LengthText;
public Text HighScoreDistance;
public float distance;
public float lastdistance;
private void Start()
HighScoreDistance.text = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("HighScoreDistance", 0).ToString("F0");
void Update()
if (RewardedAdsButton.adCounter > 1)
distance = playerTransform.position.z + lastdistance;
lastdistance = 0;
else { distance = playerTransform.position.z; }
LengthText.text = distance.ToString("0");
if (distance > PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("HighScoreDistance", 0))
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("HighScoreDistance", distance);
HighScoreDistance.text = distance.ToString("F0");
lastdistance = distance;
I have searched multiple solutions, but nothing worked so far. Please let me know where should I change the script. Thanks!